LESSON - ROMANS 3:19-26 (NIV based)
THEME - Justification
OBJECTIVE - to search
for the qualities and make personal applications
Q: What is the basis of
your faith? Can you describe it
theologically? Is it based on sound
interpretation of Scriptures?
Q: What is the
purpose(s) of the Law? A: 2 purposes
listed here
v.20 not to save but to
make us conscious of sin
v.21 testify about the
righteousness that comes from God = Christ
Q: How does the Law do
these 2 purposes? What is distinctive
about its nature or structure that accomplishes these purposes? A: It contains lots of commands & laws
which are impossible to keep as well as the lasting guilt of sin and need for
continual forgiveness remedied through the sacrificial system - thus pointing
to the need for a Savior (Christ the Messiah)
Q: What does it say in
the O.T. about salvation and how to achieve it?
A: - Salvation comes from the Lord: Jonah
2:9; Ps. 62:5-6
- Salvation comes from the Messiah
(Jesus): Zec. 9:9
- We are to obey the Law & love the
Lord, but salvation comes from Him; we are to
trust Him for salvation.
Q: Can a person be saved
today just from what is contained in the O.T.? A: No, Galatians 3:19-25 especially v.21 & 25. If people try to come to God today thru just
the O.T., they are rejecting Christ and what He has done (John 14:6).
in accord with or conforming to God's moral
judicial act of God declaring one to be righteous by
imputation or crediting of righteousness
to him
Q: What is God's means
of justifying mankind?
v.22 comes from God;
comes through faith in Jesus Christ
Q: Why must
justification come thru Christ? Why not
thru someone else?
A: Jesus is God - He is the only person who
has pure
holiness/righteousness to impute or
credit to others.
Q: Verse 22 states the
word "faith", faith in exactly what?
What means did God implement for us to have faith in?
v.23 that we have sinned
& fall short
v.24 that Christ paid
the price (redemption) for our sins; comes freely by GRACE = undeserved favor
v.25 that God sacrificed
Jesus (which is God Himself) to pay the price - for past sins
ATONEMENT = (found in
the O.T.) to cover; to put sin out of sight
Q: Were the O.T.
sacrifices sufficient for the complete forgiveness of sins? A: No. v.25
Q: Was Christ's payment
for sin sufficient to pay for present & future sins? A: Yes v.26
Q: How can the sacrifice
of Jesus pay for past, present, & future sins? A: Jesus is eternal, infinite.
BIG IDEA: When you hear
others describe the basis of their faith, you can discern whether they are
saved or not when you compare what they say to what God says about the basis of
faith in this passage.
Are you clear about your position in
Christ? - that you are justified by God only through your faith in Christ's sacrifice on the cross to pay the penalty for your sins.
Works Cited:
Bible. “The Holy Bible: New International Version.” The Bible Library CD-ROM. Oklahoma
City, OK: Ellis Enterprises, 1988.
Scriptures taken from Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc®
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File name: Romans3_19-26-Lesson.___ (.htm, .doc, .pdf)
Translation used: NIV
Updated: 1-3-15