List Of Curable Strongholds
by Mel W. Coddington, Ph.D., M.A.B.C.

     The following is a list of strongholds that I encountered mostly within group home teenage girls.  I have been able to identify and confirm each item in this list as a spiritual stronghold through the successful and complete removal of each by means of utilizing a specific type of biblical counseling.  From observations, these items are things that a person either: engages in; loves to do; has a strong desire to do; is experiencing; is doing in excess; is doing frequently; is obsessed with; is being controlled by; or has a compulsion to do.
     Even though the nature of these strongholds includes psychological problems and/or medical problems, my counseling approach revealed and verified that all of these strongholds on this list had a spiritual component, which was in addition to their respective psychological and/or medical component(s).  Furthermore, all of these strongholds on this list were in some manner directly linked to a source of sin, specifically either being conducted in a sinful manner, and/or stemming from past experienced abuse, and/or stemming from past sinful behavior.  And the presence, power, and intensity of these spiritual strongholds with their corresponding sin source remained intact, unaffected, and un-removed by any of the treatment approaches that were used on the group home teenage girls by the modern group home treatment approaches, the modern secular therapy, the modern psychiatry, and the modern psychotropic medications.
     Of course, it would be improper to assert that all of the items on this list always have a spiritual component to them and/or a link to sin, but nevertheless this document is a report of my findings for these behavior-disordered teenage girls in a state-of-the-art treatment group home setting.  This list is not intended to be exhaustive, because when I got this far, I stopped recording more items upon realizing from this data that any sin can become a stronghold.  But, the more troubled a person is, the more of these strongholds he/she may have, and may have more that are not listed herein.
     This list can be very helpful as a checklist for identifying strongholds in a person's life.  This list can also give direction as to where effective treatment and cure can be found, of which modern psychology and modern medicine are unable to facilitate a cure.  The cured medical problems have been underlined so that they are easy to find in this list.
     To learn how to facilitate the removal of strongholds through effective biblical counseling, read my free e-book "Children of Fire" on the "Counseling" web-page of my website .

Curable Strongholds

A - abandonment; abortion; not accept authority of adults; accusing; agitation; alcoholism; anger; annoy; antagonize; argue; arrogance; asthma; attention (need, demand)

B - babble; biting (fingernails, arms, tongue, people); bitterness; bizarre; mental block-out; "blood"; boasting; boredom; bossy; burping

C - candy; cerebral palsy; resistance to change; childishness or act like a baby; clumsy; co-dependence; complain; confusion; contempt; control others; coveting; critical; cruel; crying; cussing

D - dancing (around, inappropriate); deception; delusion; denial; depression; despair; destroy property; devious; discouragement; disgusting; dishonest; disorganized; disrespect; dissension; dissociation; distracted; "do as I please"; doing things wrong; doodling; don't care; doubt; dullness; not drink enough liquids; drugs (legal, illegal); dyslexia (mixed up or backwards writing or reading)

E - eating (cravings; nothing; too much; objects; false hunger; addicted to a particular food, soda pop, or snacks; planning to overeat; becoming hungry by just thinking about food; eat to escape unpleasantness or stress; eat to relieve boredom); evasiveness; exaggerate; excitement; indecent exposure; eye problems (cross-eyed; divergent or split-eyed; tunnel vision; blurred vision; pink eye)

F - going to fail; fainting; faking it; fantasizing; farting (profuse); fear; fear of future; fidget (restlessness); fighting; start fires; flaky; flashbacks; flick off; foggy or clouded thinking; foolishness; freeze up (unable to move or speak); frustration; acting funny

G - gang activities; not get along with others; "not get my way"; giddy; God (false, 'Elohim', "I am God"); giggles; goof around; goofy; gossip; greed; abnormal yellowish lump (cancer growth) under the skin; grouchy; guilt

H - goofy hairdo; hallucinations; harshness; hate (church, Jesus, God, children, everything, life, everyone, teachers, school, police, vacations); headache; hiccups; hide; hitting; false Holy Spirit; hopelessness; hurt other people; hyper; hypochondriac

I - idolatry; false illness; impatience; inflexible; insensitive; insulting; insecurity; the itches; interrupting; intimidation; irresponsibility; isolation

J - jealousy; false Jesus; judgmental

K - kidnapping; throw knives

L - laughing (excessive, compulsive, annoying); laziness or do nothing; "nobody likes me"; limit-testing; not listen; losing things; lusts; lying

M - magic; malice; manipulate; marijuana; masquerade; masturbation; materialism; memory loss; messy; not mind my own business; mind-link; miss the point; mocking; modeling; mumble; murder

N - neglect; nightmares

O - obnoxious; odor (body, breath); overreact

P - pain (physical, mental, blocker); paralysis; pass out; pneumonia (lethal); pride; overly protective

Q - "I am the Queen"

R - racism; rage; rape; rebellion; reject; not responsible; restless; retarded; revenge; ridicule (self, other people); rocking back and forth; rudeness; run away

S - sadness; sarcastic; scheming; skip school; screaming; seclusion; seduction; selfishness; self-mutilation; false self-perception; self-pity; sensuality; sexism; sexual (desires, activities, promiscuity, perversion, prostitution, homosexuality); shakes; want new shoes; shy; silly; not sit still; slamming doors; slander; sleepiness; sleeplessness; acting smart; smoking; snotty; sorcery; spaciness; speech problems (speechless or mute, talk endlessly, pronunciation problems, speech mix up); steal; like stink; stomachache; strife; stubborn; playing stupid; sucking (thumb, fingers, tongue); suicide; superiority; suspicion

T - talk endlessly; threatening; throw things; ticked off; want to try everything

U - unfair; unforgiveness; too frequent urination; "this is useless"

V - vanity (in appearance, in accomplishments); violence; vomiting

W - weakness; use anything suitable as a weapon to threaten; whining; witchcraft; worry (anxiety); worship a rock singer

Y - yelling

Z - zone out



Copyright © 2003, 2015, 2021 Mel W. Coddington, and permission is hereby granted that this document may be used, copied, and distributed non-commercially to non-profit organizations, individuals, churches, ministries, and schools worldwide, provided the copies are distributed at no charge and retain this sources documentation as supplied herein. This document is not for sale, resale, or for use as a gift or premium to be offered in connection with solicitations or contributions.
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