End-times drug usage:
- - In America now (and perhaps in other nations soon), there is a deliberate push and a momentum to legalize the recreational use of marijuana - a plant whose leaves are dried and smoked to produce a physical and mental 'high' or pleasant intoxication.
- - In the midst of the public discussions about this issue, perhaps people should stop to consider what God has to say about this.  One direct reference in Scriptures to this activity of widespread recreationally taking drugs to produce intoxication is in Revelation 9, which contains a prophetic account of the events that will take place in the Tribulation period wherein God pours out one cataclysm after another on the humans on the Earth because they are not repenting from their evil ways
(verse 9:20).
- - In Revelation 9:21 among the list of evil deeds that humans will be continuing to do, in the original Greek is cited the word "pharmakeia" (romanized Strong's #5331; from which we get the English word "pharmacy") , which means 'medication or pharmaceutical drug used in an illicit manner or as part of sorcery or witchcraft'.
- - So from this direct and clear evidence in Scriptures, the assertion can be rightly made that the time will come when God will bring 7 years of numerous sequential cataclysmic judgments of destruction, suffering, and death upon the humans of the Earth because of the evil they are doing, one of which is the improper use of pharmaceutical drugs.

Works Cited:
“Strong's Greek Dictionary.” The Bible Library CD-ROM. Oklahoma City, OK: Ellis Enterprises, 1988.

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