Permission To Translate These Documents Into Your Language:  (January, 2024) 

- - I am hereby offering to grant permission to any true believer who is interested, that you individually or as a group can translate any of my English documents in this website,, into your native foreign language, and then distribute them, or post them on the Internet for open access and free download. 
- - I ask that you provide your translated documents for free, and not sell them.  You can, however, provide a way for the recipients of your translated documents to extend a freewill monetary donation to you. 
- - I ask that you take the time to translate each document as accurately as reasonably possible, and not pervert or adulterate the doctrines, concepts, and meanings of what I have written. 
- - You can translate from the New International Version (NIV) the Scripture verses I use, thereby rendering no need for you to secure copyrights from the owners of any Scripture translations. 

- - Perhaps you would prayerfully consider the possibility of your church, or Bible college / seminary, or ministry group pulling together a team of select persons with the skills to start and operate your own ministry website like mine here, in which these documents are translated into your native language and posted on your website for free download. 

- - An apparently feasible option is to form a project collaboration with some other like-minded Bible colleges, wherein their students volunteer to do the initial translation work on documents of which they are interested in the topic, while the faculty oversees, coordinates, facilitates, and coaches those students, followed by the more proficient translator persons in the colleges (who are both fluently bilingual and theologically trained) doing a final proofreading and correcting in the documents. 
- - This option possesses the intrinsic benefits of having the students do hands-on practical ministry work while simultaneously working together with other students and faculty, and simultaneously learning the theological, ministerial, and application-al contents of the documents that they are translating. 
- - Another benefit of this project is that the participating colleges acquire a means of extending ministry training and ministry assistance to the people of their language throughout the world, furthermore enabling those colleges to easily install more of their own ministry and theological materials in the future. 
- - Subsequently, general overall yearly statistics of numbers of downloads and views of the translated documents that are on the project's website could be made available to students and faculty, which should serve to edify, exhilarate, and motivate them in doing ministry work. 

- - I will be very glad to feature on my website a description of and a link to your ministry website, where you have located your translated documents. 
- - If you have credible need, I may be able to secure some financial funding to help support your translation activities in this regard. 
- - Furthermore, I am available for free consultation to help you get this kind of ministry website going, and to provide you with clarification of the intended meaning of any words, phrases, or sentences that I used in any of these documents. 
- - For information to contact me, see the "About Mel" web-page on this website, . 

Mel W. Coddington
