Recommendations When Looking For Ministry Employment:
- - If you have been unsuccessful in your extended quest to secure a ministry employment job, I recommend that while you are waiting for God to open a ministry employment job opportunity, consider the possibility that maybe God wants you to start your own ministry, and that is why He has not opened any ministry employment job for you.  Therefore, look for a way to start or invent your own ministry:
- - Your new ministry likely will need to be a free ministry because realistically it probably will flop if you try to charge money or rely on donations.
- - Your new ministry may not be the exact type of ministry you were planning on, or feel called to, or were preparing for.  So be flexible, and look at types of ministry you normally would not look at or think about.
- - Come up with a way to be self-supporting.  One really good way is for your spouse to hold a full-time job that sufficiently provides your household income while you do free ministry.  Statistically speaking, raising full support through donations is likely to fail.
- - Allow plenty of time to see if God is going to make your attempt at starting a ministry take off, in other words sprout and blossom into a significant ministry.  If after perhaps one year it is still fizzling and dying, then most likely God is not supportive of that idea - in its present form.  So either modify or adjust that ministry, or else dump that idea and look for a different idea.
- - The success of your start-up ministry attempt to become viable will be heavily dependent upon your giftedness that corresponds to the nature of the ministry attempt.  Some skills can be developed.  However, if you are unable to satisfactorily function for some aspect of your start-up ministry attempt, then search for someone to partner with you who has that giftedness, and consider your spouse first.  I am convinced God really delights in using and thoroughly blessing husband-and-wife ministry teams.
- - A wise approach would be to not invest too much work, resources, and money into your start-up ministry attempt until you determine that God is approving and supporting it.  You want to test the waters, so to speak, to see what God is going to do with it.  Begin by supplying the minimal essential basics for that start-up ministry attempt, making necessary adjustments or tweaks as you go along, and watching to see if God is either making it take off or letting it crash and burn.  It is going to be His ministry, so you need to determine what He thinks about it.  If you see evidence that God is active and moving in some aspect of your start-up ministry attempt, then be flexible and run with that, now more fully investing your time, resources, and efforts into that specific aspect He is moving in.

Copyright © 2024
Mel W. Coddington, and permission is hereby granted that this document may be used, copied, and distributed non-commercially to non-profit organizations, individuals, churches, ministries, and schools worldwide, provided the copies are distributed at no charge and retain this sources documentation as supplied herein. This document is not for sale, resale, or for use as a gift or premium to be offered in connection with solicitations or contributions.
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