assisting believers to become and
 do all that God has for them


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 Lesson Outlines

  1 Peter
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  1 Peter





 How To Get To

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Request for prayer

--- Please pray that the Gospel presentation document "How To Get To Heaven" in various languages on this website would be readily accessed, effectively understood, and instrumentally used by the Lord to bring countless numbers of people around the world to salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.

An important coming reality:

Upon the start of the Great Tribulation, believers can lose their salvation.  For details, see the document "End Times Speculations", which is located at the top of the 'Doctrines' web-page.

? Did you know that:
- - God has assigned all true believers to be functioning as "priests", doing ministry work in a church or ministry.
(For more information, see the document "1 Peter 2:5 - Assigned To Be Ministering In A Priestly Fraternity" in the ' 1 Peter' Sermon or Lesson Outlines web-page.)


Doctrinal or theological essays that can be used as ministry training materials, or to correct errant teaching, or for personal development - for free download, biblical, editable (in .rtf, .doc), printable, can be easily customized or projected, available in 4 file formats (.htm, .rtf, .doc, .pdf), NIV-based

To download a document, place your cursor over the format type (.htm, .rtf, .doc, or .pdf) for the document you want, then right mouse click to cause a pop-up menu to appear, then in that menu select "Save Target As..." to copy the document file onto your computer in a directory you designate.

For a List Of Abbreviations used within these documents, click here (to access the list on the "Abbreviations & Copyrights" page).

Essays On Soon-coming End-times Events:

End Times Speculations   (written August, 2020)
Carefully-formulated speculations about select aspects of the Great Tribulation, including mass abductions, people floating into the sky, the Temple in Jerusalem

Dome Of The Rock                 Temple
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf
"Peace And Security" Prophecy
(a compilation of 2 essays)
Essay #1:  Recent Start Of The Fulfilling Of An End-Times Prophecy?  (written September, 2021)

Essay #2:  A Prophecy That Remains To Be Fulfilled   NEW   (written April, 2022)
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Speculation Of When The Great Tribulation Will Start   NEW   (written April, 2022)
The determining of a specific date that applies to the end of the Church Age, the occurring of the Rapture, and the start of the Great Tribulation
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf

Essays On Problem Or Erroneous Doctrine:

Laying Crowns Before The Throne -
Revelation 4:9-10

Addresses the erroneous interpretation of Revelation 4:9-10 that asserts that believers will relinquish their rewards when they lay their crowns at the feet of Jesus
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf
The Only Required Condition For Acquiring Salvation
Examines, analyzes, and addresses the popular teachings that incorrectly add another required condition to the only condition that God requires for humans to acquire salvation
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf
The Ordinance of Baptism - Theological Essay
by David M. Coddington
An examination, analysis, and explanation of the theology of baptism, featuring consideration of popular views
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Quest For The Historical Jesus
Apologetics Paper by David M. Coddington
Presents, analyzes, and refutes the quest approach used by critical scholars to ascertain from the gospel books the historical Jesus
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf

Expository Essays:

Christian Living
An overview of categories of principles for Christian living that are in 5 epistles
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf
An overview of the main aspects of the doctrine of election that pertain to the Book of Romans
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Ephesians 1:11-14 - Exegetical Paper
by David M. Coddington
(a study resource document)
An examination, analysis, and explanation of Ephesians 1:11-14, including consideration of the historical and literary contexts
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Forgiving A Difficult Person
by Tina A. Coddington
An analysis and formulation of steps for extending forgiveness
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Fruitful Growth in the Faith
by Tina A. Coddington
An examination of the doctrine of faith and seven elements of fruitful growth, based on 2 Peter 1:5-11
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf
God Created All Things
by Tina A. Coddington
An interpretation and explanation of the account of creation in Genesis 1:1-2:4
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf
1 John 2:1-6 - Exegetical Paper
by David M. Coddington
(a study resource document)
An examination, identification, analysis, and synthesis of the various principles contained in 1 John 2:1-6
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Last Things
by Tina A. Coddington
An overview of the intermediate state, the resurrection, the final judgment, the eternal state, and the millennium
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Luke 4:16-30 - Exegetical Paper
by David M. Coddington
(a study resource document)
An examination and analysis of the narrative in Luke 4:16-30, including considerations of the broader context
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Luke 19:10 - Theological Essay
by David M. Coddington
(a study resource document)
An examination, analysis, and explanation of Luke 19:10, including expanded consideration of key terms
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Mission And The Spirit In The Book Of Acts - Theological Essay by David M. Coddington
An examination, analysis, and explanation of the mission and activities of the Holy Spirit to spread the Gospel and Christianity
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Moral Norms From The Writings Of The Apostle Paul
A summarizing of the moral norms that are written by Paul pertaining to each of the Ten Commandments
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf
The Nature Of True Religion
by Tina A. Coddington
An examination of the aspects of the nature of true religion, based on James 1:26-27
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Portrayal Of Jesus, The Disciples, And The Religious Leaders
by Tina A. Coddington
A synopsis of three topics from the Books of Matthew and Luke, as compared to the Book of Mark
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Proofs Of The Deity Of Christ
by Tina A. Coddington
A presentation of proofs derived from the Book of John that indicate Jesus is deity
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Redemption, Propitiation, and Reconciliation
An overview of these 3 doctrines in relation to salvation and fellowship with God
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Romans 6:15-18 - Exegetical Paper
by David M. Coddington
(a study resource document)
A verse-by-verse examination, analysis, and explanation of Romans 6:15-18, with additional consideration of context and unclear meanings
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf
A close examination of the doctrine of sanctification
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Security Of The Believer
A close examination of the doctrine of security or assurance of salvation
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Signs And Wonders - in the Book of Acts
by David M. Coddington
An overview of their characteristics, usage, purpose, and progression
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Spiritual Gifts (full version)
An overview of the characteristics of the spiritual gifts that are listed in the New Testament
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Theology of Suffering - Theological Essay
by David M. Coddington
An analysis and construction of the theology of suffering, based on the Book of 1 Peter, including applications and ramifications for believers
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf
1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 - Exegetical Paper
by David M. Coddington
(a study resource document)
An examination and analysis of 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11, including consideration of a relating account in Acts 17:1-10
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf

Opinion Essay:

The Temptation of Christ
An analysis on whether or not Christ actually had the ability to give into temptations
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf

Doctrinal Statements Of Faith:

Doctrinal Statement Of Faith - (General)
Contains two samples that are based on sound interpretation of Scriptures; can be used or adapted by ministries
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf
by David M. Coddington
A concise exposition of doctrinal principles that pertain to the Holy Bible
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf
by David M. Coddington
A concise exposition of doctrinal principles that pertain to the Last Things
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf
Theology Proper
by David M. Coddington
A concise exposition of doctrinal principles that pertain to the major categories of the study of God
.htm .rtf .doc .pdf



Recursos de ministerio en español.
(Ministry resources in Spanish.)
Recursos do ministério em português.
(Ministry resources in Portuguese.)

"How To Get To Heaven" - in:
Afrikaans , Albanian , Amharic , Arabic , Armenian , Assamese , Aymara , Azerbaijani , Bambara , Basque , Belarusian , Bengali , Bhojpuri , Bosnian , Bulgarian , Catalan , Cebuano , Chichewa , Chinese , Croatian , Czech , Danish , Dogri , Dutch , English-adults , English-youths , English-HB , Estonian , Ewe , Finnish , French , Frisian-Western , Galician , Georgian , German , Greek , Guarani , Gujarati , Haitian-Creole , Hausa , Hebrew , Hindi , Hmong , Hungarian , Icelandic , Igbo , ilocano , Indonesian , Italian , Japanese , Javanese , Kannada , Kazakh , Khmer , Kinyarwanda , Konkani , Korean , Krio , Kurdish-Kurmanji , Kurdish-Sorani , Kyrgyz , Lao , Latvian , Lingala , Lithuanian , Luganda , Luxembourgish , Maithili , Malagasy , Malay , Malayalam , Maltese , Marathi , Mizo , Mongolian , Myanmar-Burmese , Nepali , Norwegian , Odia-Oriya , Oromo , Pashto , Persian , Polish , Portuguese , Punjabi , Quechua , Romanian , Russian , Samoan , Sepedi , Serbian , Sesotho , Shona , Sindhi , Sinhala , Slovak , Slovenian , Somali , Spanish , Sundanese , Swahili , Swedish , Tagalog , Tajik , Tamil , Tatar , Telugu , Thai , Tigrinya , Tsonga , Turkish , Turkmen , Twi , Ukrainian , Urdu , Uyghur , UzbekVietnamese , Welsh , Xhosa , Yoruba , Zulu 

                    What's New:

__________ January, 2024 __________

- - The notice, "Permission To Translate These Documents Into Your Language" (located below at the bottom of this column ), has been amicably expanded.

_________ September, 2023 _________

- - A new counseling document, entitled "Recovering From Ministerial Abuse, Assault, Murder", has been added to the "Counseling" web-page.

__________ August, 2023 __________

- - A new session document, entitled "Session 00 - Overview", has been added to the "Biblical Counseling Training Series for Lay Counselors", which is located near the top of the "Counseling" web-page.

____ December, 2022 - June, 2023 ____

- - The new "Elder Training Series" has been completed, and is located near the top of the "Home Page - Ministry" web-page.

_____ May - October, 2022 _____

- - The document, "How To Get To Heaven", has been added in many other languages, as listed in the above box.  These translated documents enable you to share the gospel with people who speak one of these languages.

- - Running out of time:
We (servants of God) are running out of time to get everything done - all of our ministry work, because April 3, 2034 is coming quickly.
" spoken of through the prophet Isaiah [40:4] : " A voice of one calling in the desert, `Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.' ""  (Matthew 3:3)
- - A relating end times event to currently watch for: If the construction of the Temple in Jerusalem indeed will start in the middle of the year 2034, therefore it seems logical and necessary that Jehovah God would need to utterly flatten in an earthquake the Dome Of The Rock mosque years before 2034, which of course could occur any day now until then.
(written in September, 2023)


- - Expect to increasingly incur property damage and losses of various kinds:
- - During our time, especially since about the year 2020, there has been occurring frequent news and scientific reports about how destructive weather events are becoming increasingly more frequent and more destructive.
- - Furthermore, reports document that there are significant overall increases in the occurrences and destructiveness of other kinds of events in nature, such as wildfires, droughts, floods, volcanoes, earthquakes, tidal waves, famines, plagues, insect infestations, virus pandemics, and etcetera.
- - The world thinks that mankind's actions are contributing to many of these adversities that are increasingly coming upon the earth, which may to some degree be true.
- - But these increases in destructive phenomena may furthermore be due to God's actions, plan, and timing to bring discipline and judgment upon the accelerating wickedness of peoples and societies around the world.
- - In the same way that God causes the rain to fall on "the righteous and the unrighteous"
(Matthew 5:45), He causes destructive weather and catastrophic events in nature to befall the righteous and the unrighteous.
- - As a prime example, in Genesis chapter 19 is recorded that when God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah
(vv.19:24-25, 27-29) due to their wickedness (v.18:20), Lot lost his house (v.19:2), all of his property and belongings (vv.19:16-17), his wife (v.19:26), and his two future sons-in-law (v.19:14-16), but not his two daughters (v.19:16).
- - Even though Lot experienced huge losses in God's discipline and judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah, God did "rescue Lot" from death, being "a righteous man, who was distressed by the filthy lives of lawless men"
(2 Peter 2:7)
- - As the wickedness on the earth during our time accelerates to perhaps surpass the wickedness of Sodom and Gomorrah
(Genesis 18:20), we should expect God to inflict more of these calamities, disasters, destructions, and losses.
- - Thereby, we should also expect that we true believers will nevertheless suffer various kinds of losses and incur property damage, albeit collateral damage, from these destructive and catastrophic events that God is now increasingly inflicting on the wickedness of the peoples on the earth. 
- - "The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away.  Blessed be the name of the Lord." 
(from Job 1:21)


- - Permission To Translate These Documents Into Your Language
(Now amicably expanded (in January, 2024)) :

- - I am hereby offering to grant permission to any true believer who is interested, that you can translate any of my documents in this website into your native foreign language, and then distribute them, or post them on the Internet.
- - I ask that you provide your translated documents for free, and not sell them.  However, you can provide a way for the recipients of your translated documents to extend a freewill monetary donation to you.
- - I ask that you take the time to translate each document as accurately as reasonably possible, and not pervert or adulterate the doctrines, concepts, and meanings of what I have written.
- - You can translate from the New International Version (NIV) the Scripture verses I use, thereby rendering no need for you to secure copyrights from the owners of any Scripture translations.
- - Perhaps you would prayerfully consider the possibility of your church, or Bible college / seminary, or ministry group pulling together a team of select persons with the skills to start and operate your own ministry website like mine here, in which these documents are translated into your native language and posted on your website for free download.
- - An apparently feasible option is to form a project collaboration with some other like-minded Bible colleges, wherein their students volunteer to do the initial translation work on documents of which they are interested in the topic, while the faculty oversees, coordinates, facilitates, and coaches those students, followed by the more proficient translator persons in the colleges (who are both fluently bilingual and theologically trained) doing a final proofreading and correcting in the documents.
- - This option possesses the intrinsic benefits of having the students do hands-on practical ministry work while simultaneously working together with other students and faculty, and simultaneously learning the theological, ministerial, and application-al contents of the documents that they are translating.
- - Another benefit of this project is that the participating colleges acquire a means of extending ministry training and ministry assistance to the people of their language throughout the world, furthermore enabling those colleges to easily install more ministry and theological materials in the future.
- - Subsequently, general overall yearly statistics of numbers of downloads and views of the translated documents that are on the project's website could be made available to students and faculty, which should serve to edify, exhilarate, and motivate them in doing ministry work.

- - I will be very glad to feature on my website a description of and a link to your ministry website, where you have located your translated documents.
- - If you have credible need, I may be able to secure some financial funding to help support your translation activities in this regard.
- -  Furthermore, I am available for free consultation to help you get this kind of ministry website going, and to provide you with clarification of the intended meaning of any words, phrases, or sentences that I used in any of these documents.
- - I can be contacted by E-mail at:

Translating Help Needed
- - I am wanting to partner with a person (or group) in the ministry work of translating some of my ministry documents from English into Spanish, to be placed in the Spanish
section of my website. 
- - I am looking for a true believer who is very fluent in both Spanish and English, and is skilled in translating them in typed form. 
- - Similarly, I am wanting a person (or group) to translate my ministry website documents from English into Portuguese, to be placed in the Portuguese section of my website. 
- - Do you know of anyone (or group) who may be interested in doing this kind of ministry work that has proven to reach countless numbers of people in various places in the world?

Relating notes of praise and prayer requests:
(dated January, 2024)
- - Since first posting this notice of "Permission To Translate These Documents Into Your Language" in July, 2023, I have already seen in my website statistics the presence of substantial convincing evidence that a group has begun working on translating my documents into a foreign language.  PRAISE THE LORD !!!
- - Please pray that more persons and groups would be raised up to translate the documents on my ministry website into their native foreign language and post them on their website for free download.
- - Also please pray that within every group that takes on this ministry objective, there would be: excellent leadership; skilled workers; unity, harmony, collaboration, and godly behaviors amongst them; the maintaining of quality of accurate translations; and the timely-acquiring of sufficient resources to accomplish with excellence the creation of these translated ministry documents on a corresponding ministry website.

